Wednesday March 19, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
This project focuses on designing and implementing a secure and efficient infrastructure to support advanced 3D data visualization tools, WEBKNOSSOS and Neuroglancer. System Administration Skills: Attendees will learn practical methods for configuring NGINX as a web server and reverse proxy, setting up Node.js applications, and implementing solutions to common challenges like CORS issues.

Integration with Networking Tools: Participants will gain an understanding of F5 load balancers, including setting up front-end VIPs and managing traffic routing.

Secure Data Access and SSL Configuration: Attendees will explore the use of CIFS for connecting external storage, along with the process of implementing PKI infrastructure for SSL configurations, including installing and managing certificates for secure communication.

Automation and Service Management: Attendees will learn to create and configure systemd service files to manage Node.js applications, ensuring they start automatically on boot and operate reliably.

Joseph Tanasi

Systems Engineer, ITS - Systems Administration

Christian Irizarry

Systems Engineer, ITS - Systems Administration
Wednesday March 19, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
4400 Lin Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

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