Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm EDT
As Yale increasingly hosts a diverse range of events, from academic conferences and lectures to large-scale campus celebrations, the demand for exceptional event support continues to grow. Hybrid events, blending in-person and virtual participation, add complexity to planning and execution, requiring innovative solutions and collaborative strategies.

This panel will bring together experts from university AV and event support departments to share insights, challenges, and best practices for delivering seamless in-person and hybrid event experiences. Topics will include leveraging technology like Q-Sys, Zoom, and Panopto to enhance audience engagement, addressing common technical hurdles, managing stakeholder expectations, and fostering collaboration across departments.

We invite you to join this dynamic discussion, explore trends in event support, and address the evolving needs of academic institutions. This is also an opportunity for participants to provide input on key topics and share their unique perspectives to ensure a comprehensive and collaborative exchange of ideas.
avatar for Will Walker

Will Walker

Computer/Media Technician, School of the Environment

Froilan Cruz

Director of Media Service Delivery, School of Management

Rob Dietz

Director of Instructional Technology Solutions and Design, School of Management
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm EDT
2420 Betts Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

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