Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm EDT
The primary objective of our panel discussion is to introduce OutSystems as a powerful low-code technology solution and showcase its benefits, specifically in the context of its current and potential custom applications at Yale University. The discussion will address how OutSystems can be leveraged to accelerate development time, outline the various use cases for its use at Yale, and the successes and challenges faced by teams using this platform.

Netal Patel

Manager, ITS - EA

Rosa Illescas

Configuration Analyst, ITS - Qualtiy Assurance

Chris Cadden

Software Engineer 3, ITS -Enterprise Applications
avatar for Douglas Aldridge

Douglas Aldridge

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications

Michael Macesker

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications

David Preschel

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications

Harry Shyket

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm EDT
2410 Bewkes Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

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