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Wednesday, March 19

11:00am EDT

IT Associates Learning Experience: Linux Overview LIMITED
Wednesday March 19, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
This project focuses on designing and implementing a secure and efficient infrastructure to support advanced 3D data visualization tools, WEBKNOSSOS and Neuroglancer. System Administration Skills: Attendees will learn practical methods for configuring NGINX as a web server and reverse proxy, setting up Node.js applications, and implementing solutions to common challenges like CORS issues.

Integration with Networking Tools: Participants will gain an understanding of F5 load balancers, including setting up front-end VIPs and managing traffic routing.

Secure Data Access and SSL Configuration: Attendees will explore the use of CIFS for connecting external storage, along with the process of implementing PKI infrastructure for SSL configurations, including installing and managing certificates for secure communication.

Automation and Service Management: Attendees will learn to create and configure systemd service files to manage Node.js applications, ensuring they start automatically on boot and operate reliably.

Joseph Tanasi

Systems Engineer, ITS - Systems Administration

Christian Irizarry

Systems Engineer, ITS - Systems Administration
Wednesday March 19, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
4400 Lin Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

11:00am EDT

YaleSites: Building a Collaborative Open-Source Web Platform for the Yale Community LIMITED
Wednesday March 19, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
YaleSites represents a new approach to web development within the Yale community, offering a no-code site building experience that combines ease of use with powerful customization options. This presentation explores how the platform's open-source foundation enables cross-organizational collaboration and innovation. Other Yale organizations will join us to demonstrate how they've used the platform's flexibility to create custom solutions. These solutions help everyone in the community while keeping Yale's consistent branding, adhering to usability and accessibility standards while lowering development costs. By highlighting real-world examples of successful collaborations between organizations and vendors, we'll showcase how YaleSites is evolving through community-driven development to meet diverse needs across the university.
avatar for Mike Tullo

Mike Tullo

User Experience Analyst, ITS - User Experience

Jon Atherton

Associate Director, Communications, West Campus
Wednesday March 19, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
4430 Swersey Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

1:15pm EDT

Connecting Campus: The Role of OutSystems in Yale’s Digital Ecosystem LIMITED
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm EDT
The primary objective of our panel discussion is to introduce OutSystems as a powerful low-code technology solution and showcase its benefits, specifically in the context of its current and potential custom applications at Yale University. The discussion will address how OutSystems can be leveraged to accelerate development time, outline the various use cases for its use at Yale, and the successes and challenges faced by teams using this platform.

Netal Patel

Manager, ITS - EA

Rosa Illescas

Configuration Analyst, ITS - Qualtiy Assurance

Chris Cadden

Software Engineer 3, ITS -Enterprise Applications
avatar for Douglas Aldridge

Douglas Aldridge

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications

Michael Macesker

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications

David Preschel

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications

Harry Shyket

Software Engineer, ITS -Enterprise Applications
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm EDT
2410 Bewkes Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

2:15pm EDT

The Yale Dataverse FILLING
Wednesday March 19, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
YUL Computational Methods and Data (CMD), YUL Information Technology (LIT), YUL Metadata Services, the Data Intensive Social Science Center (DISSC), and the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) collaborated to successfully pilot the Yale Dataverse (dataverse.yale.edu), a repository to share, preserve, and cite research data. Attendees will hear about the technical setup of the Yale Dataverse, the benefits and challenges of working with open source software communities, and how we are meeting evolving researcher needs. Three learning outcomes are:

-Importance of research data management: Presenters will share why proper management of research data is crucial to prevent data loss and ensure long-term accessibility and usability.
-Yale Dataverse functionality: Presenters will demonstrate the features offered by the Yale Dataverse and the team will share how they decide which functionality to prioritize.
-Yale Dataverse Support: Attendees will become familiar with the support model in place and the IT efforts required to maintain and enhance the service to meet evolving researcher needs.

Rebecca Dikow

Director, Computational Methods and Data, Library

Barbara Esty

Head of Data Services, Library

Limor Peer

Associate Director for Research and Strategic Initiatives, Institution for Social and Policy Studies and Sen

Bob Rice

Associate Director, DevOps and Infrastructure, Library

Bethany Seeger

Information Services Consultant, Library
Wednesday March 19, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
4410 Gambhir Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA

2:15pm EDT

Work Smarter Not Harder: Innovative Low-Code and No-Code Workflows to Improve Everyday Efficiency FILLING
Wednesday March 19, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
Explore the transformative potential of leveraging low-code and no-code tools and workflows to automate repetitive and time-consuming office processes, as well as capture data that can be used to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, thereby identifying areas where investing time and energy can be most impactful.
avatar for Alina Nevins

Alina Nevins

Associate Director, IT, Office of International Students & Scholars
Alina Nevins, the Associate Director of Information Technology at Yale OISS, has honed her expertise through extensive hands-on experience and continuous professional development. With a solid foundation in Higher Education IT spanning over 15 years, Alina has navigated the evolving... Read More →
Wednesday March 19, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
2410 Bewkes Classroom Evans Hall, Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA
Uniting Perspectives: Shared Vision
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